Free shipping on orders over $100 (Complete bikes and snow bikes excluded)

Power Curve Cycles is your local Denver, Colorado E-Moto expert

Power Curve Cycles carries aftermarket parts in-stock from Warp-9, Dunlop, Tusk, Guts Racing, and many more!

Let Power Curve Cycles help with all your e-moto servicing needs. We have experts to help with your toughest trouble-shooting needs.

TrackNGo Snowbike System (2nd Generation, bike not included)


2nd Generation Snowbike conversion kit for E-Ride Pro SS 19", SurRon / Segway, Talaria

Exclusive « Pathfinder » Ski

High quality CAMSO rubber track

7 1/2″ w x 93″ Lg x 1″ lug high

Track: 315 sq. in.(2030    Ski: 200

Top speed: 40km/h (6kw)

Total added weight: 33 lbs (15 kg)

2nd Generation updates:

  • New rubber track design

    Developed by CAMSO, the world’s leading manufacturer of rubber tracks, the new track reduces rolling resistance by 35% compared to the previous one. Weight is reduced by 3 pounds (1.5 kg).
  • Anti-darting device on ski

    A new design of an anti-darting device on ski. Improved performance on hard pack trails and uneven surfaces at low and high speeds. Much more stable and eliminates darting. Much more aggressive when cornering on hard surfaces and in deep snow.